Jason Newsted

Instrument: Bass

Specialty: Making sure MetallicA thumps harder then ever.

Born: March 4,1963 Battle Creek, Michigan.

Height: 5'9".

Weight: 150lbs.

Description: Brown/red hair, blue eyes.

Marital Status: Divorced.

Drives: 1967 Ford Mustange, Land Cruiser.

Drinks: Fine, thick, red wine.

Eats: Anything BBQed.

Favourite Sport Teams: Phoenix Suns, Chicago Bulls, Detriot Lions, L.A. Raiders.

Before MetallicA: Floatsam and Jetsam.

Pre-career: Burger-flipper, pizza maker, truck driver.

Hobbies: Mountain biking, shootn' hoops.

Hero's: Gene Simmons, Al Pachino.

Describes Self As: Energetic, caring, goofy.

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